Thursday, November 5, 2009

Choice & Consequence

The event in my backyard that laid to rest my expensive prescription glasses involved gas powered tools and is a story for another day. The loss was a blow to my ego, I've never lost a pair of glasses and still own my first pair. I tossed in my sleep throughout the night dreading the cost of replacement, eventually accepting their demise and my expense.

My luck turned this morning when I saw dew covered lenses in the middle of my backyard. Not only did I get my glasses back, I can spend the small pile of cash I saved by dodging the replacement pair. I'm torn between letting the money get sour and wilted in a bank vault or put it to use by purchasing a small portion of a Lynskey cyclocross frame hanging up at GBS.

Certainly my fiance does not have a hidden pillory in her yard?

1 comment:

  1. As our buddy Jim is prone to saying, you can't take it with you! Besides, I know you, and you want let yourself get very overextended. Btw, I'm glad to see you writing here. I believe there are a lot of good stories waiting to get out.
