Sunday, May 29, 2011

If I ain't a city boy, does that make me country?

I wrapped up my play time with family and friends in SF by trading in the comforts of a home for the bike touring lifestyle. When my cousin dropped me off downtown I felt just as nervous as I did when my parents dropped me off at college 19 years ago. Fortunately the piles of new faces and names were each as friendly as the next.

Actually, there was a little adventure between my transition. My writing skills can't describe what a maze like city plus Mt. Everest sized hills can inflict on a guy like me but I'm pretty sure I had PTSD for 6 hours. I'm not sure how this happened in the most bike friendly city in the US, but I'll blame it on bad timing and the position of the moon. Stairs instead of sidewalks, the hills are natures way of saying, you shouldn't build here.

Once settled in Mike and I scouted a safe route out of town which consisted of even more hills but this time there were cyclist everywhere and beautiful views of the Pacific. Back at the hotel I met most of the tour participants of the 25 only one of them is from the states. It's pretty funny to see the dynamic between nations, so far the Kiwi's are the coolest folks.

Today we did a quick ride up to San Rafael, who knew that California had so many bike paths that you actually have to pick the right one?

Ok, it's too late for anything other than photos, see you in the country.

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