Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A stranger in the night.

Fall arrived last night like a formula one pit stop in reverse, swapping out the new with the old in a blink of an eye.

Yesterday I sweat a bit on my sunny ride through lush green trails on the north side of town grateful of Florida’s immunity to the dull colors of winter. By the end of the day the clouds rolled in and I gloated knowing the rest of the cycling world was destine for an uncomfortable night ride in the rain and wind.

This morning I woke up Little Ball to catch a ride between storms. After a freezing coast down the hill we hit the woods and were pulled from the bikes by the Fall colors carpeting the trail.  I didn't recall a single leaf on the ground the day before. Caught off guard by the overnight transformation, our tires crunched through fresh piles of leaves hiding the trail and muting any attention to heart rates, speed or wet roots. Slices of trail were covered in sheets of large yellow leaves casting temporary sun beams despite the clouds. Even the irritating din of dried leaves caught in my wheels was incapable of muting the the rapid Fall I never saw coming. 


  1. I saw a bit of that fall at 640 this morning as the sun rose and the birds woke up. A predawn run, a few weights under the carport, why else would I be about that time of day. I love the early morning, it is the start of something new, it reminds me of dad and all the adventures of my life. Sorry I thought this was my blog for a moment.

  2. I hate that I missed it! I saw the writing on the wall, but risked waiting for a night ride anyway, so I could ride with friends. Sometimes when you roll the dice, they come up snake eyes. I'm hoping for residual color after this front rolls through. Come on, lucky seven!

  3. Now you see why I never ride with people I like. If I were to care about other people's feelings it would interfere with my riding.
